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Showing posts with the label MIPS program

Exploring the Basics of Medicare MIPS 2020 in Healthcare

Whether it is about MIPS 2019 or Medicare MIPS 2020 reporting , Qualified Registry is one of the most authentic ways to do it. It is one of the collection types recognized by CMS to submit on behalf of the providers. Submissions further split into three types: either you can report it as an individual clinician, as a group, or as a virtual group. Whatever you choose to be, remember, it is your career and incentives on the line. CMS Released New Data on Medicare MIPS 2020 If you have been a late bloomer in the previous installment of the MIPS program (MIPS 2019) and couldn’t submit data on time, there is still time to do that until March 31, 2020, the deadline. As far as Medicare MIPS 2020 is concerned, it has just started so you have plenty of time as a clinician to report it. Nevertheless, we advise you to report it at the earliest to remove the chances of penalties later on. Another name of Medicare Access and Chip Reauthorization Act (MACRA) is compliance. As a practice...

The Most Important Skill in Thyroid Awareness Month Is to Know How to Prevent It!

A large gland in the back of the neck that secretes hormones for growth and development via the rate of metabolism refers to the thyroid. The secreted hormones T3 and T4 affect every cell. From keeping a check on protein production to maintaining body temperature to heart rate, this gland surely has some big things to do for an active body. The excess or insufficiency of the hormones can result in two medical conditions known as: Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism These conditions can disturb the hormonal balance and affect the overall wellbeing of the human body. Why We Celebrate “January as Thyroid Awareness Month”? Is it A Big Thing? Here are some facts to favor this initiative. You might be surprised to know, but around twenty million Americans suffer from thyroid disease of some sort. Generally, people don’t know about the symptoms or causes of thyroid disease. Surprisingly, up to sixty percent of the total thyroid carriers don’t even know about it. Women are about five to...