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Exploring the Basics of Medicare MIPS 2020 in Healthcare

Whether it is about MIPS 2019 or Medicare MIPS 2020 reporting, Qualified Registry is one of the most authentic ways to do it. It is one of the collection types recognized by CMS to submit on behalf of the providers. Submissions further split into three types: either you can report it as an individual clinician, as a group, or as a virtual group. Whatever you choose to be, remember, it is your career and incentives on the line.

CMS Released New Data on Medicare MIPS 2020

Medicare MIPS 2020, CMS MIPS, MIPS program, MIPS 2020 reporting, MIPS 2019, CMS MIPS reporting

If you have been a late bloomer in the previous installment of the MIPS program (MIPS 2019) and couldn’t submit data on time, there is still time to do that until March 31, 2020, the deadline. As far as Medicare MIPS 2020 is concerned, it has just started so you have plenty of time as a clinician to report it. Nevertheless, we advise you to report it at the earliest to remove the chances of penalties later on.

Another name of Medicare Access and Chip Reauthorization Act (MACRA) is compliance. As a practice, if you show compliance with MACRA, it has outcomes in your favor. It can make you look good in the eyes of your patients because your reputation speaks of it on the Physician Compare portal. Alongside this, you are eligible for incentives up to 9% in 2022.

Go to to check out Quality, Promoting Interoperability (PI), and Improvement Activities (IA) for 2020 as CMS recently released new information related to MIPS 2020.

CMS MIPS reporting begins once you choose measures and select a collection type to submit them. PI in 2019 has to be accurate the first time, so submit carefully; you still have time.

Resource Library is a Pool of Knowledge

Medicare MIPS 2020, CMS MIPS, MIPS program, MIPS 2020 reporting, MIPS 2019, CMS MIPS reporting

The data that is required by the clinicians to report accurately is now up on in their resource library. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side their helpline 1-866-288-8292 is open, Monday through Friday, for further assistance.

This link carries descriptions of 2020 Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs); their corresponding benchmarks; quick start guide; eligibility and participation quick start guide; Medicare Part B claims measure specifications; and CMS Web Interface measure specifications. The quality measure data for the year 2020 includes reporting of at least six quality measures similar to what eligible clinicians reported in 2019. In those six measures, one is an outcome measure or a high-priority measure. However, one requires to submit 10 Quality measures if they are using CMS Web Interface in 2020.

MIPS Program’s Resources and 2020 Lookup Tool

Medicare MIPS 2020, CMS MIPS, MIPS program, MIPS 2020 reporting, MIPS 2019, CMS MIPS reporting

P3Care performs to the utmost care when it comes to reporting MIPS eligible data to CMS. In case you want to confirm your eligibility in CMS MIPS, you can visit the updated database link: This tool comes under the preliminary eligibility category as the final eligibility will be available by December 2020.

To check your status and report for Medicare MIPS 2020, we have our lines open from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. You can call for a free consultation on this number: 1-844-557-3227.

To read more about the MIPS program, visit our social pages too and this page on MIPS & MACRA might help.

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