CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) is the ultimate authority that serves as a guiding light for clinicians in America. QPP (Quality Payment Program) is one of its programs that is meant to streamline the clinicians’ financial matters through various sub-programs, such as MIPS reporting, APM reporting, ACO reporting , etc. With time, these programs have undergone some changes in terms of improving their outcomes or reducing the administrative load. For instance, MIPS reporting that was in the year of its inception is different now. The same goes for every other program. Now, CMS aims to transform other QPP programs as well to adopt the changing healthcare industry. Clinicians have many other things on their plate, they also must cater to the administrative load. So, just to be prepared in this regard, here is a brief description of what to expect in the future in QPP. The Introduction of MVPs MIPS reporting is going to shift to a new reporting framework, namely MV...
We are dealing with a public health emergency, and CMS has proactively come forward to facilitate clinicians in Quality Payment Program (QPP). This year, the final rule for QPP MIPS data submission required some flexibility to accommodate the pressure. CMS recently released the final 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. P3Care, being a MIPS Qualified Registry , keeps an eye on updates. In this blog post, we have mentioned all the necessary information that MIPS eligible clinicians need to know for QPP MIPS 2021 data submission. QPP MIPS 2021 Reporting Highlights The Final Rule for the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule includes several changes as follows. These changes were finalized, keeping in check the corona situation. Implementation of MIPS Value Pathways In normal conditions, MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) were expected to come into effect from 2021. However, post-pandemic, its implementation has been delayed until 2022. Moreover, CMS is also encour...